I agree It is soooo hard to say Tues_Manic!! When I was creating this poll, it struck me just what a superb selection of films we are shortly to be gifted with. Nicolas Cage is going stronger and more magnificant than ever!
Every single one of these movies excites me.....I can't even begin to explain... These are quality movies aren't they... They feel weighty with possibility...the directors attached to them all as well.... Oh god I'm in Nic anticipation heaven!!
ooooh look...it's a completely even split between five films so far!
I know there are plenty more people looking forward to these movies though...so.....which one are you looking forward to the most?! Just click the button to vote!
Yes, Hungy Rabbit Jumps completely evaded my consciousness when constructing this poll, perhaps more a reflection on how very little I have heard about this movie than any opinion I may have of my looking forward to it! If you have some info to ahare on it clc that would be great! :starr:
i wish could choose them all but am really excited about drive angry maybe has its 3d and have now seen season of the witch so even though will be watching them all am most excited for his next film .