It is such a tough call, both are very different films, in tone and style and just about everything else! Not comparing like with like makes it an almost impossible decision.
Honestly i think both sets of directors did an AWESOME job on both films and I enjoyed both interpretations, and both of Nics' performances. the first was slick, unique, funny, richly textured and engaging, the second was baddass, anti slick, very cool, grungy and dark and both were mindblowing the first time i saw them.
As you all know I simply loved the first movie, and still do, and loved the second movie equally, and the actual experience of seeiing both the movies was an equally special experience (for very different reasons) BUT at the time, seeing the first Ghost Rider was a very milestone moment of my life so I voted for that one for that reason.
I finally could vote in this poll! I voted for GR:SOV! Although, the first part was great, that second one is absolutely mindblowing! Plus, Nic played both parts this time, and I had to think of the webchat, as he answered my GR-question! Such special memory!
"When you think about magic, it is imagination plus willpower focused in such a way that you can create a conscious effect in the material world..."