I got this book shortly before the movie even came out because I wanted to watch it so bad, but I didn't read it until after I saw it in theaters, so it didn't spoil anything for me. Still, just looking at the pictures, though, gives you an interesting insight into the making of the movie. I would've liked to have seen more production art and production photos and less movie stills in the book, however, but the production photos that are in it really help illustrate the making of the movie and the amount of work that was put into it. Well, that's just my opinion of the book, which I really enjoyed. I would love to know if anybody else has the book and what they thought of it.
-- Edited by Quazie89 on Tuesday 1st of March 2011 08:49:59 PM
Hi Quasie, thank you so much for starting this topic! I have been meaning to but lost my way!
There are three books associated with The sorcerer's Apprentice:
the original Goethe poem 'The Sorcerer's Apprentice: The Junior Novel' and 'The Art and Making Of The Sorcerer's Apprentice'
The Junior novel is actually a really fun read, I enjoyed it anyway! it has extra little bits of the story in it that don't appear in the movie!
However, the masterpiece is 'The Art and Making of The Sorcerer's Apprentice' written by Michael Singer, a beautiful book inside and out, a hard back in A3 landscape size, with the words
It truly feels you are about to open someting magical and special, a tome of treats..and it doesn't dissapoint.
There is a foreward by Jerry Bruckheimer and an afterword by Jon Turteltaub and sandwiched inbetween, a delicious filling of the original artwork, capturing the original vision of each of the characters..and it has that incredible mysterious slightly scary and dark edge to it, not at all your stereotypical Disney tweeness, some unseen on set and character photography, character quotes, tesla quotes (and a cool section called 'love letter to Tesla'), and the following chapters:
Oh, yes, I have the junior novel of The Sorcerer's Apprentice and I thought it was a really fun read, too, but I only wish it was longer! Those junior novels are way too short. I know they're supposed to be for young adults, but it would really make my day if Disney ever released a Sorcerer's Apprentice book series for older readers like me. Anyway, thanks for the review, Lula Argante! I really enjoyed it. I think it will make people want to buy the book.
-- Edited by Quazie89 on Wednesday 2nd of March 2011 08:44:46 PM
-- Edited by Quazie89 on Wednesday 2nd of March 2011 08:51:41 PM
I hope so Quazie, I think they'd really enjoy it! I found the Junior novel quite satisfying, but i do agree, it woud be cool if a book series would be amazing...certainly a gap there that needs to be filled...
The cover of 'The Art And Making Of The Sorcerer's Apprentice'
Gregory Hill's Illustration of concept of Michal Kaplan's costume conceot for Nic's character, Balthazar Blake
The demonic character 'Chernabog' from the original 'fantasia' segment, as envisaged by artist Tani Kunitake for the film, but it did not appear in the final version
Tani Kunitake's beautiful illustration of The Chrysler eagle soaring over Manhattan
I love the depiction of Balthazar, rumply guy that he is, and it is very cool to see how the mop sequence was filmed. It looks like a great treat for those hard core SA aficionados amongst us!
There is lots more awesome artwork in the book, with a really fascinating insight into teh film maing process..everyone involved was so dedicated ! ( and I promise i get no commission, I just love it! )
wow! that's really one interesting post! and I love the idea of a book series too, really would be so cool.
I actually knew about "The Art And Making Of The Sorcerer's Apprentice" but haven't heard of the other two books, seems interesting though thanks for sharing!
"He may have my soul, but he doesn't have my spirit."
Hi R.D, I believe there is only one other book connected with the film, the Junior Novel, but the Fantasia segement is said to be based on the Goethe poem!
The Art And Making Of The Sorcerer's Apprentice really is a beautiful high quality book, worthy of a special place in any Nicolas Cage fan's collection!
In modern day Manhattan, one young man's life is about to take a surprising turn. When Dave Stutler wanders "accidently" into a strange shop downtown, he can never imagine the consequences. It turns out that Dave is no ordinary boy--he is a Merlinian. A descendent of the most famous sorcerer in history, Dave has untapped powers. The problem is, certain people don't want him to ever use them. Led by Horvath, a Morganian (descendents of the evil sorcereress Morgana), this group will stop at nothing to destroy Dave and unleash darkness upon the world. Dave will have to rely on the help of his mentor, Baltazhar Blake, to find his inner strength and help save the world. The Arcana Cabana catalogue is a detailed list of items found in the store where Dave first meets Balthazar. Complete with retail price (some discounts due to an unfortunate battle between two powerful--and angry--sorcerers) and description, the catalogue will also include a brief history on each item and why it belongs in the magical Arcana Cabana!
-- Edited by Lady Trueheart on Thursday 28th of July 2011 07:25:08 PM