I thought we could make this a bit of a group effort!
I am looking for the most excellent quotes form Nic himself on each of his movies, to add to our Nicolas Cage Hall of Honour to add to our film desriptions!! I have made a start, but there are loads to go....so if you have a cool, brief, quote about a movie please post it here, with the source if poss, and i will add it to the Hall Of Honour with credit to you in the intro!!!
Thanks !
Oh and................I for one love hearing what Nic himself had to say sbout his own movies...so this is exciting!
oooh that is a good one Lady True... I like that! Thanks!! it is far better than the ones where he says he felt it was emotional vomit! was that in an interview we have posted here?
Here it is in an older interview White Fay posted. Might be more in there too. It's an awesome interview. We have quite a few older interviews that might have good quotes, and that one you posted just a little while ago with a bunch of stuff about his movies, that was a really good one. Good idea for a thread, Lula, a really good resource to have.
No probs,i the source won't appear with the quote but in the index, so I can add later! ! I used several good ones from the The Dark Prince Of Hollwood ~ Nicolas Cage article i
Here it is in an older interview White Fay posted. Might be more in there too. It's an awesome interview. We have quite a few older interviews that might have good quotes, and that one you posted just a little while ago with a bunch of stuff about his movies, that was a really good one. Good idea for a thread, Lula, a really good resource to have.
Thanks meg, some really good ones in there too..I picked out these two:
"It´s still one of my favorite movies, actually, because it was a situation I´d gone through in [Beverly Hills] high school. I was taking the bus there, and other guys were driving Porsches. If there was a beautiful girl and I wanted to take her out, I couldn´t do it, she just wouldn´t go for it. I think that movie was about not listening to your friends, that it´s 'just you and me.' [on Valley Girl]
"It wasn´t a practical choice to make," he points out, "but it was an honest choice. When I was eight years old, I used to watch those silent German expressionist films like Nosferatu and The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari - well, you can imagine the effect they had on me. They were much more horrifying than anything today - claustrophobic and really spooky. I would have nightmares about them. With Vampire´s Kiss, I saw an opportunity to say, Well, this man is insane, and so I have a right to do what I want; I can use some of those old German facial expressions and hand gestures and combine it with sound. That´s why I was so excited about it." [on Vampire's Kiss]
And I thnk we are apoiled for choice with Nic's latest movies!
thanks for posting Meg! isn't this the response our very own Roxanne had to her question to Nic in the Empire webchat? it is definitelly an epic quote!!
It is, Lula, and the more I read it the more fascinating I find it, and I love the last lines....it was like oxygen to a forest fire. I believed I was Ghost Rider.
Me too..the webchat was so choc full of awesomeness, it was hard to take it all in at the time.thank you for highlighting this quote, it is my fave of the whole interview, not just because it was the response to Roxanne's question!) but it is such a thing that only Nicolas Cage could say! At the risk of repeating mself, my fave bit is
On my costume, my leather jacket, I would sew in ancient, thousands-of-years-old Egyptian relics, and gather bits of tourmaline and onyx and would stuff them in my pockets to gather these energies together and shock my imagination into believing that I was augmented in some way by them, or in contact with ancient ghosts
I know, so many things to enjoy and dwell on in that one brief quote, and gives such insight into his methods. I sure hope that book he mentions comes into being, I think it will be fascinating.